Are your commercial refrigerators ready for autumn?

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There’s a hint of a chill in the air these days. The crispness of autumn is on the way. And while we all need to hunker down and prepare for another six months of cold, we aren’t the only things that need a little TLC. Your commercial refrigeration units do, too.

Considering the inevitable shifts in ambient temperature, humidity and product demand that come with autumn, preparing your fridges for this season is crucial. Take proactive steps to ensure your equipment runs smoothly through autumn and winter. Keep your products fresher and safer for longer, saving your business time, money and reputation.

In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to prepare your commercial refrigerators for the cooler months.

Why seasonal preparation matters

Seasonal preparation is more important than some think. Autumn brings about a temperature dip, which impacts your sales in two ways: fridge efficiency and consumer demands.

The colder temperatures affect how your refrigeration units operate. Counterintuitively, colder air reduces efficiency if your systems aren’t set up to handle these changes. Thermostats may get confused, compressors might not operate as efficiently or their cooling cycles might be interrupted, and you might see an increase in humidity buildup.

Alongside the impact of the cooler temperatures, your customers’ tastes change. They’ll start gravitating towards seasonal products – think pumpkin-spiced lattes and hot chocolates instead of iced coffees and milkshakes. To meet demand, your inventory must reflect that shift. Of course, that means months of preparation beforehand, including the units stocking all your products.

Neglecting to prepare your equipment could lead to inefficiencies or even complete breakdowns. The result might be spoiled or wasted stock, resulting in lost revenue.

Key maintenance issues to tackle

So, nobody wants any of that to happen. Now that we’ve set the scene and explained the importance of seasonal preparation, let’s talk about what you actually need to do. Here are some essential maintenance tasks to get your fridges autumn-ready:

  • Clean inside the fridge – cleaning your fridges should be a regular employee task. However, this is a fantastic time to carry out a deep clean.
  • Clean the condenser coils – the condenser coil is critical to the refrigerant system. It releases heat, taking it away from inside the unit. Dust and debris accumulate on this over time, making it less efficient at its cooling job. A quick clean goes a long way in boosting efficiency and longevity.
  • Check and replace door seals – ensure your door seals are airtight. Close a thin piece of paper (such as a receipt or a five-pound note) between the seals. Try to pull the paper out (not too hard if it’s your hard-earned money). If it comes out quickly, the seals might need replacing. Do this test all around the door. You could also use a torch to check for any tears or holes. Damaged seals let in warm air, raising temperatures and causing the units to overwork. Ensure your staff regularly clean the door seals to maximise their lifespans.
  • Calibrate thermostats – use a couple of trusted thermometers to calibrate your thermostats. Autumn temperatures are unpredictable, so adjusting your thermostat settings and ensuring they’re accurate helps maintain optimal internal conditions.
  • Professional inspection – there is an upfront cost involved, but we strongly recommend bringing in a technician for a thorough inspection. These highly trained professionals know how to spot issues before they escalate, saving you from having to carry out costly repairs in the future. It’s well worth the investment.

Inventory management and operational adjustments

Now that your commercial fridges are prepared and ready, it’s time to focus on inventory management and adjustments to your daily running operations.

Adjust your stock levels to prioritise autumn-specific items. Place the seasonal products at eye level to maximise their appeal. Don’t forget to rotate stock to keep everything fresh-looking.

Upgrades are vital if you’re looking to cut costs. Consider installing strip curtains to reduce cold air loss when doors are opened frequently. If you have the resources available, investing in a new certified unit is an even more energy-efficient upgrade. Choosing a suitable model saves you money on energy bills and reduces your carbon footprint.

Adjust your temperature settings and defrost cycles as appropriate as the weather cools. If everything’s running smoothly through autumn and winter, it’ll make a big difference to your product quality and utility bills.

Finally, train your staff. Give them the knowledge they need to operate and maintain your refrigeration solutions during the autumn season. That way, everyone’s on the same page and watching for the same symptoms, from temperature monitoring to identifying signs of wear and tear.

How can Fridgesmart help?

Fridgesmart has a wide variety of commercial refrigeration units in stock and ready to meet your every need. With fantastic warranty options and next-day delivery available, we’re sure you’ll find something that meets your needs. Plus, if you’re ever stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team. We’d be delighted to help you find the perfect fridge for the upcoming cold season, maximising your ROI by meeting your business goals.

Don’t be left out in the cold; chill out and prep your fridge today.